We Do Background Checks

Protect your personnel, property, and precious reputation by authorizing Axis Protection to thoroughly vet your employees and members by doing background checks. Unlike automated record checks that give a basic “positive/negative” result, Axis Protection will use our investigative skills to provide in-depth, useful information to your executive management and Human Resources team. Whether hiring a new employee or ensuring your members are legitimate, we have the experience to find the truth for an informed decision. Because our team of officers is made up of former police and military with security clearance, they are keenly observant, experienced investigators who know how to navigate records. They will go the extra mile to screen your staff and members for any sign of impropriety. Our professional investigators will not only run county, state and federal databases for crime, they can investigate financial, driving and employment histories, including a comprehensive review of all social media accounts. Know for certain who you are associating with before damage can be done. This service is exclusive to our clients only.




PACKAGE INCLUDES: National criminal background check with SSN trace and some watchlists
  • Social Security Number (SSN) trace
  • Addresses, Names, & DOB verification
  • National database criminal records search*
  • National sex offender search
Basic Internet Search in the state they currently reside Basic Social Media Search to include: Active Social Media profiles for
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn
  • Twitter




PACKAGE INCLUDES: Standard background check with 1 single county criminal search included, SSN trace, addresses, sex offender, and watchlists
  • Social Security Number (SSN) trace
  • Addresses, Names, & DOB verification
  • National database criminal records search
  • National sex offender search
  • Global, US, & state watchlists
  • 1 Single County-level search included
Detailed Internet Search in the state they currently reside Active Social Media profiles for:
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn
  • Twitter
Verification of Employment/Work History





  • National & 7-Year County. Recommended background check with complete 7-year county criminal search, SSN trace, addresses, sex offender, and watchlists

  • Social Security Number (SSN) trace
  • Addresses, Names, & DOB verification
  • National database criminal records search
  • National sex offender search
  • Global, US, & state watchlists
  • Unlimited county criminal record search based on 7-year address history

Detailed Internet Search in the state they currently reside

Active Social Media profiles for:

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn
  • Twitter

Verification of Employment/Work History

Detailed Records Search in Counties of Residence

  • Court Records

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